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Monday 5 September 2011

Najib Letak Jawatan Esok??? Biar Betik

Salam semua. Tadi aku tengah blogwalking singgah jap kat blog MiloSuam. Sekali dapat info nie pasal Najib nak letak jawatan esok. Biar betik?????

Korang leh baca kat bawah nie. Aku cilok 100% dari blog MiloSuam. Aku rasa nie semua rumors.

Takper kita tunggu esok jer lah yer. Pasti kecoh pagi nanti.
KHABAR angin ni tersebar sejak siang tadi. Gua pun tak tahu sama ada berita ni betul atau tidak. Tapi kalau betul pun gua rasa tak mustahil jugak sebab sebelum ni PENAWAR memang dah desak Najib supaya letak jawatan kerana dilihat sebagai pemimpin lemah.

Gua dapat email bertalu-talu tentang hal ni, rakan blogger Tukang Lawan pulak kata dapat mesej dari kawan dia. Gambar kat atas ni gua cilok dari blog [Tukang Lawan]

Kalau difikirkan dari sudut gua yang tak suka dengan Najib dan Rosmah, memang baguslah dia letak jawatan sebab dia memang lemah mentadbir negara pada pandangan gua.

Tapi perkara yang lebih penting bagi gua, bukanlah Najib letak jawatan. Tapi gua nak United Malays No Otak, UMNO berkubur! Apa maksud berkubur? Ya! Gua mahu Umno BN kalah dalam pilihanraya.

Najib dan Rosmah selama ni memang jelas jadi liabiliti atau beban kepada United Malays No Otak. Jadi tak mustahil dia akan letak jawatan untuk memenangkan Umno dalam pilihanraya yang dah tak lama lagi ni.

Adakah cubaan prank menggunakan nama Najib hehehehehe cuba korang baca kat bawah nie lak.

Qadiri says Mikati should resign if government disapproves of STL funding    
Future bloc MP Ziad al-Qadiri said on Sunday that there is a contradiction between Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s position and the ministers’ standpoint regarding the funding of the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) probing into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. 
Qadiri also called on Prime Minister Najib Mikati to resign if he cannot convince his government to commit to financing the STL, the National News Agency (NNA) reported. 
The Future block MP said that the disagreement between the PM and the ministers also shows that there is no solidarity among the government, contrary to what Mikati claims. 
The STL is funded by an assortment of donor countries from around the world as well as Lebanon. However, Hezbollah and other March 8 parties and figures have spoken out against Lebanon’s ties and funding for the tribunal and called it a tool to incite sectarian strife in Lebanon. 
Late June, the UN-backed court indicted four members of Hezbollah for the murder of Hariri. 
Mikati said in comments published on Friday that the government will commit to paying Lebanon’s share of funding for the STL.




ya.. baguslah.. aku duk tunggu berita ni, lama dah.. bagila org lain yg merintah pulak..

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